Danette Anthony Reed Installed as President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
ORLANDO, Fla, July 14, 2022—Danette Anthony Reed has ascended to Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated’s highest office becoming the 31st woman to be installed as its
International President & CEO during the organization’s biennial international convention on
Thursday, July 14, in Orlando, FL. Thousands of sorority members and dignitaries were present
for her installation. She becomes the first Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
International President who is an engineer.
She takes the helm of the nation’s first African American sorority 114 years after its founding at
Howard University. Alpha Kappa Alpha is the oldest Greek-letter organization established by
African American college-educated women; it comprises over 320,000 members in over 1,046
undergraduate and graduate chapters throughout the United States and 11 nations worldwide.
The sorority’s international headquarters are in Chicago, IL.
A Dallas, TX resident and retired PepsiCo executive, Danette Reed brings decades of corporate
leadership, community engagement, service, and progressive sorority governance. Her 46 years
of continuous sorority service at local, regional, and international levels has well-prepared her
for this role.
“I am humbled and excited to lead this great organization of outstanding women who represent
all walks of life and who consistently live up to our mission of service to all mankind,” she said.
“It is an honor and a responsibility that I don’t take lightly. Over the next four years, Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority will provide programs of service locally and worldwide to make a
difference in the communities we serve.”
As International President & CEO, Danette Reed will lead the sorority’s 18-member board of
directors, set policy, and develop programs to mobilize Alpha Kappa Alpha members globally to
address pressing issues impacting families and communities. She will uphold the sorority’s
mission to be of “Service to All Mankind.”
Prior to her installation, Danette Reed held over 24 leadership positions in the sorority at all
levels, including International Treasurer. A committed Life Member and Silver Star (25-year)
member, she recently completed her term as First International Vice President of the sorority.
Previously, she served as Vice President of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Housing Foundation
and Vice President of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation.
At the chapter level, Danette Reed has been president or vice president of three chapters, held
numerous other leadership positions, and was a charter member of Omicron Mu Omega
Chapter, in Dallas, TX, where she currently is a member. While president of Omicron Mu
Omega Chapter, she received the South Central Region’s Outstanding President’s Award.
Danette Reed is a proud part of three generations of Alpha Kappa Alpha women. She follows in
the footsteps of her mother, Mary Alice Anthony, who has more than 65 years of service. Her
sister, Cheryl Anthony Worix, and her daughter, Erynn Denise Reed, also are members of the
sorority. She also has a son, Anthony Leelynn Reed.
During her tenure at PepsiCo, Danette Reed rose through the operations ranks in the Frito-Lay
division, becoming the first African American woman plant director to lead the start-up of an
$80 million bakery facility in Dallas. She later moved to Frito-Lay’s corporate office and led a
cross-functional team in the commercialization of $300 million in innovative products. She
retired in 2017 after 34 years of service.
Danette Reed holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, specializing in Finance, from
Southern Methodist University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from
Northwestern University.
In addition to her Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority service, Danette Reed is a charter member of the
Greater Denton County (TX) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated®; Top Ladies of Distinction;
the Carrousels of Dallas, TX; and the National Association of Parliamentarians. Currently, she
serves as Treasurer of the Krugerville, TX Community Development Corporation. She has
received numerous honors, awards, and accolades, including:
- -Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals
- -Women’s Inclusion Network Lifetime Achievement Award
- -PepsiCo’s Global Harvey Russell Diversity and Inclusion Award
- -National Council of Negro Women Outstanding Service Award
- -Greater Denton County Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Leadership Award
- -Women’s Inclusion Network Leadership Development Award
- -Women of Color “Making an Impact Award”