Our Regional Director
Shawn Emerson Simmons, PhD has been an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha since her initiation in 1990 as a freshman at the University of Oklahoma’s Kappa Psi chapter. She was selected as a 1991 AKA Leadership Fellow and served as the National 2nd Vice President of the National PanHellenic Council (NPHC) later that year. Currently a member of Xi Alpha Omega, this Silver Star and Life Member has served in various officer positions including chapter Basileus in 2002. During this time, Simmons led the establishment of the chapter’s 501(c) 3 entity, the Ivy League Education & Charities Foundation.
Soror Simmons has served at the chapter, regional, and international levels of the sorority. She was elected as an At-Large Director of Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF) from 2014-2018. Prior to that, Simmons was involved with the International Leadership Fellows Committee, served as the youngest member of the sorority’s Leadership Development Task Force, and was one of co-chairs for the 2018 Boule in Houston. Simmons most recently served as Chairman – International Impact Day under the Excellence administration and now will co-lead the International Buildings & Properties committee under International President and CEO, Danette Anthony Reed.
Her accolades include Houston’s Most Influential, Outstanding Women’s Leadership Award, numerous South Central Region awards including Graduate Good Citizen, the Mattelia B. Grays Leadership Development Award, and Soror of the Year, the University of Oklahoma Regents Award, and the National Society of Black Engineers Golden Torch Award, just to name a few.
Professionally, Dr. Simmons is newly named Global Sustainable Procurement Manager, responsible for supplier diversity and sustainability programs as well as corporate sustainability reporting directive responsibilities for the value and supply chain. Dr. Simmons has held numerous managerial roles that have spanned the globe including Africa, Asia Pacific, Australia, and Europe. Soror Simmons’ academic credentials include a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, a M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Rice University, and a PhD in Environmental Toxicology from Texas Southern University.
She is married to honey-do, Philip Simmons (Kappa Alpha Psi) for 29 years and they have 2 children, Jonathan (also a Kappa) and Jacquelyn (a Spring 2021 AKA initiate). Dr. Simmons is passionate about volunteer service and leadership development. She credits a supportive family, friends, and a countless number of formal and informal mentors who have helped her achieve academic, personal, and professional goals throughout her life.