Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Mid-Western Region

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated®

Mid-Western Region


• If you have not been ordered to evacuate, stay in a safe area or shelter during a natural disaster. In your home, a safe area may be a ground    floor interior room, closet, or bathroom. Be sure you have access to your survival kit in case you are in an emergency event that lasts several days.
• Listen to your portable radio for important updates and instructions from local authorities. Remember to have a battery-powered radio in your survival kit. Some radios are now equipped with multiple power sources, such as
batteries, solar panels, and a hand crank.
• If power is lost, use a generator with caution. Make sure conditions are safe before operating a portable generator. Only operate it outside — away from windows, doors, or vents. Follow all manufacturer’s instructions.
• Stay in your safe area and do not drive until the danger has passed. Resist the temptation to check on your property until you are sure it is safe to do so.
Soror Emergency Checklist
The next time disaster strikes, you may not have much time to act. Prepare now for a sudden emergency. Protect yourself and cope with disaster by planning ahead.
This checklist will help you get started.
4-Day Disaster Supply Kit
– Store supplies in easy to carry containers such as a backpack or duffle bag.
– Emergency Evacuation Plan
In the event of fire or other emergency such as a hurricane or after a tornado  in which you may need to evacuate your home on a moment’s notice, you should be ready to get out fast.
 Water (3-day supply – 1 gallon per person)
 Develop an escape plan
 Food (3-day supply – non-perishable packaged or canned foods)
 Draw a floor plan of your home
 Portable battery-powered radio and extra batteries
 Show the location of doors, windows, stairways and large furniture
 Flashlight and extra batteries
 Indicate the location of emergency supplies, fire extinguishers, collapsible ladders, first aid kits, and utility shut-off points
 First Aid Kit
 Draw at least two escape routes from each room
 Sanitation and hygiene items (moist toilettes, garbage bags, plastic ties
 Mark location(s) outside the home where family members should meet in the event of separation
 Matches in a waterproof container
 Practice emergency evacuation drills at least two times a year
 Bug spray
 Stay low to the ground when escaping from a fire
 Kitchen and cooking utensils including manual can opener
 NEVER open doors that are hot
 Photocopies of credit card and identification cards
 Install smoke detectors on every level of your home
 Cash, keys to safes and safety deposit boxes
 Whistle to alert family in the event of a fire or tornado or other severe weather
 Prescription medications and actual medical scripts
 Check electrical outlets and do not overload outlets
 List of family contacts, and family physicians
 Purchase and learn how to use a fire extinguisher
 Other medical items (glasses, contacts, hearing aid batteries)
 List of medical devices such as pacemakers, oxygen tanks, CPA masks) If you are sure, you have time
 Items for infants (formula, diapers, bottles, pacifiers)
 Shut off water, gas and electricity, if instructed to do so
 Items for pets (collars, leashes, food, copy of shot records)
 Let others know when you have left and where you are going
 Change of clothing, rain gear and sturdy shoes
 Make arrangements for pets which may not be allowed in public shelters
 Blankets or sleeping bags
 Maps, shovel, flares, tire repair kit, evacuation plans
 Dusk masks, plastic sheeting, duct tape to shelter-in- place
 Tools to shut off water and gas supplies
 Whistle
 Fireproof and waterproof lock box for home
 Photocopies of important papers and phone numbers
 Change batteries at least once a year
Use messaging systems for notification opportunities to let Chapter members know your status.  Are you safe? Do you need assistance?
Suggested forms of communication include:
 Chapter Group Text
 GroupMe
 WhatsApp
Lastly, if Sorors are in need of financial assistance after exhausting all other sources please have them complete the following the attached form, Member Relief  Request Form and email same to for assistance.