Former International Presidents
The Great Lakes Region is the home region for six out of thirty-one of Alpha Kappa Alpha’s International Presidents. It is the largest number to date of any region. It is also important to note, all six Former International Presidents served as Great Lakes Regional Directors.
All of the former presidents are held in the highest esteem by our region as well as the international organization. They possessed special qualities befitting those of outstanding leaders. Eleventh International President, Beulah T. Whitby said it best when she stated, “Tasks of great magnitude can be achieved best by strong, deep running, disciplined lives, committed to excellence and achievement.”

President’s Name: L. Pearl Mitchell*
Time of Service: Third International President, 1923-1925
Initiation Chapter/Year: Zeta Chapter, Wilberforce University, 1916
Last Membership: Alpha Omega Chapter, Cleveland, Ohio

President’s Name: Margaret Davis Bowen*
Time of Service: Ninth International President, 1936-1939
Initiation Chapter/Year: Omicron Chapter, University of Cincinnati, 1921
Last Membership: Sigma Omega Chapter, Cincinnati, Ohio

President’s Name: Beulah T. Whitby*
Time of Service: Eleventh International President, 1941-1946
Initiation Chapter/Year: Xi Chapter, Detroit, Michigan, 1922
Last Membership: Alpha Rho Omega Chapter, Detroit, Michigan

President’s Name: Laura T. Fife Lovelace*
Time of Service: Thirteenth International President, 1949-1953
Initiation Chapter/Year: Omicron Chapter, University of Cincinnati, 1934
Last Membership: Sigma Omega Chapter, Cincinnati, Ohio

President’s Name: Bernice I. Sumlin, LHD*
Time of Service: Nineteenth International President, 1974-1978
Initiation Chapter/Year: Zeta Chapter, Wilberforce University, 1946
Last Membership: Beta Eta Omega Chapter, Dayton, Ohio

President’s Name: Eva L. Evans, Ph.D.*
Time of Service: Twenty-fourth International President, 1994-1998
Initiation Chapter/Year: Xi Chapter, Eastern Michigan University, 1954
Last Membership: Delta Tau Omega Chapter, Lansing, Michigan
A History of the Great Lakes Region – Every Chapter’s History Is Precious 1924-2010,
Published and Copyright 2010, Editor-Octavia Walters Cabey